If I have a US student visa, do I need to apply for a visa to Mexico for a 5day vacation?
My boyfriend has a U.S. student visa and wants to come on vacation with my family to Mexico. He's originally from Turkey. Does he need to apply for a tourist visa?
Immigration - 8 Answers
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1 :
No, if you go to Mexico they automatically stamp you for 6 months.
2 :
NO, i saw it on Futurama a few week ago
3 :
No need for tourist if its less then 6 months. They'll check the passport at the border and stamp it.
4 :
No he does not Mexico allows people to stay in the country for 6 months with no paperwork. All he needs is his passport and student visa to cross the border.
5 :
Does his U.S. student visa allow him to leave and reenter the U.S? Not all do. Some of them are issued for one entry into this country only. It never hurts to check with a Consulate or immigration office when in doubt. It would not do for him to leave the U.S. and not be able to get back home. (Many foreign exchange students are issued one-entry student visas to the U.S. He should check to be sure his is not this type.)
6 :
I think, when he leaves the immigration office, all he needs is to inform Mexican immigration that he will stay for 5 days. It is Mexican immigration he will have to talk with.Of course, he too has to pass through U.S. immigration, or file a deportation card even if Mexico is just the other side of the border. Best, to consult both immigration. Be very careful, America is just itching to throw all illegals outside their border or outside their sea limit. If I were you people, play safe. This is not the right time. Everything is so hot because of the Arizona Law which targets the illegal. What if he lost his passport, or stolen from him, what then. He definitely will be in for more trouble. Postpone it. Its to hot at this time.
7 :
YES! Mexican Immigration Laws are a lot stricter than the United States!!! I wish foreigners would quit using our borders as a see-saw, thinking they can bounce from one side to the other anytime they damn well please!!!! When I was in Europe, I had to carry my passport around with me, and when I stayed at a hotel, the management demanded to see my docoments! Even in my own country!
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