My boyfriend is married already, w/ his sisters girlfriend, for citizenship. Can I still marry him in Mexico?
My boyfriend got married to get his citizenship. He is still married, with his sisters girlfriend. Its all business. He wants to marry me already so I can have his medical benefits. (Im a student w/ a heart condition) He takes his test sometime late next year, so he cant divorce yet. Is it possible to marry in mexico and bring the paperwork to the U.S. as proof to receive the benefits? Also, is it too risky?
Marriage & Divorce - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
This is silly...and fraud
2 :
It sounds like you want to marry a real stand up guy (*sarcasm*). Is this really the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?
3 :
you aren't really asking this are you? OMG!!! Good grief! NO! You can't do that! GEEZ!!!!!
4 :
sounds like he's your soulmate. very touching.
5 :
Im sorry about your heart condition BUT this aint a situation you want to get caught up in....Here in the u.s., multiple marriages is illegal and I believe your boyfriend would be charged with bigamy.
6 :
I don't think that will work... actually I take that back, If you have money anything can work in Mexico but the question is will it work in the US. just ask the people in charge of the benifits, the worst they can say is no!
7 : and for another thing, I doubt the U.S. would recognize as a legal marriage. here's a thought how bout waiting and see if it would work out. it's cheaper to get married than it is to get divorced.
8 :
So you are here on Yahoo Answers looking for advice on committing a criminal act? He has married a citizen to get citizenship only. That's a Federal offense. Now you want to marry in Mexico, have that marriage recognized by US officials so you can receive benefits. You two deserve a prison cell together!
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