While at a public US adult school yesterday, my wife observed students shouting "Viva Mexico". If they love ?
Mexico so much, why do they risk their lives to come the the US? Whatever happened to the idea of acculturating?
Immigration - 20 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They want our money and whatever free benefits they can get. Their allegiance is with Mexico, not the U. S. of A.
2 :
Because conservative Republicans like Mitt Romney need them to work in his mansions. Is he hiring again, since he lost the GOP nomination?
3 :
That's no big deal. I was living in another country with family for a while and I always talked about USA. I don't see anything wrong with it.
4 :
Everyone loves their homeland........ relax!
5 :
How do you know that they aren't? If I live in Cleveland can't I root for Pittsburgh?
6 :
I am not sure that I might explain that in a way that you would understand
7 :
Because mexico is just a big landfill with humans living in it and their government are a bunch of morons. We're just a bunch of "gringos" to them. My parents immigrated to USA from Russia legally and I'm a born American, Russian-American. USA I will fight and die for and fly the American flag in front of my house. Chingas like them p-iss the s-hit out of me...do you recall seeing them on tv marching down streets flying the Mexican flag? They don't love USA they just infest our cities with gangs, drugs, crime and just want US money.
8 :
This sergey..is kind of an ignorant individual who rants aimlessly about a subject he knows very little about.....
9 :
Because it's much easier for them to come here and sponge off of the tax payers than to try and improve their situation in their own country. They get lots of freebies here especially when they spit out a few anchor babies.
10 :
Just because they live here doesn't mean they are here by choice, or that they worked hard to get here. My husband was forced to come by his mother when he was young. They can still love their native country. I still love things about England, that's where my ancestors come from. There is nothing wrong with it. What makes me mad is when they say they want to be here, but put down the country. That's when I say... then go back if our country is so bad.
11 :
First of all it's "Freedom" that allow them to Shout that. And if all the people on Yahoo would give a Honest Answer for once in their life they can say also that no one but no one wants to see the same Country all their lives. And it's to take care of their Families. The Chinese been doing this very same thing for many Years Driving their little Cars, Flying their little Airplanes across this Border and nothing is said or done about it. Why? Because they come from a Rich Nation and I'm not Picking on them when I say this why? Because the little Chinese girls will Date little White boys. Many know the very Truth about Immigration Reform and what it's all about. The problem is some like myself will take a stand and try and make this World a better place and others will only bring it down. If I had an Mexican Flag right now I will fly it in Support of the Immigrants. Not because Man made me do it but because GOD has gave me the Freedom to do it. Because it is him not Man, Not the Government of the United States but him that know if these Human Beings are this Ugly Word called Illegal so am I and everyone else on this Earth. Especially African Americans because we didn't have any Papers when the White man brought us over here many Years ago to do his Dirty work. And it make me very Sad and Shame of them when they go and Tote that bucket for the same ones that is trying to put them and their Grand Kids right back out there in that Field. And they are out here in this World Hurting their own kind for all of this little do they know where all this is leading to besides a quick Ticket to Hell because we all know GOD don't like what he is seeing in Politics or in this Country right now. No Lands will ever be more Important to him than his very own. Christ didn't go through all of that Cutting and Hanging for this here. He didn't just Die for Mexicans to stay and Work in Mexico or come here when some White man say it's okay. He Died on that Cross so they can do it when ever they want. And if they are Stealing from this Country then it's not as bad as what many has done when they went out and Stole GOD Trees to Build their Homes and make Paper for their kids to go to School with. Author, Eddie Smith.
12 :
Because they have no interest in assimilating, They have no interest in speaking English and to be honest with you no interest in becoming American whatsoever. What they do have interest in is taking jobs from Americans and services from our Government! In the process they drive down wages and me and you foot the bill for them to go to school where they can shout things like "Viva La Raza" and "Viva Mexico" while flying mexican flags. The sad thing about it is they see nothing wrong with it!
13 :
they like that free education that they are getting that they should not be getting though huh, why did they cowardly abandon their country then! they should have been picked up and put back over the viva la border!
14 :
They dont like the US- they like Mexico, el salvador, or whatever drug haven they come from. However, their position makes no sense- their countries all suck! they are either Mexico (cant even drink the damn water), or communist coutnries, or drug smuggling countries. all of them are very dangerous, and impoverished, and unadvanced. their culture has NOTHING to show- worse still, they are more overweight than any other race.
15 :
They do have free speech and it's nice to give good wishes to your neighbors. Hopefully they sing God Bless America with even more vigor.
16 :
It just makes me sick to hear stuff like this. I agree with you! I can tell you alot of hispanics talk badly of America but I always tell them well you hate it so much you were willing to risk your life coming over in a trunk with 6 others like sardines.
17 :
What's wrong with being proud of where you come from? my question to you. They risk their lives to support their families, for a better life, a better future for their children. Land of opportunities right? Why does it affect you? I was born in Chicago, but my parents are from Mexico I consider myself Mexican-American and I cheer from both I'm proud of where I come from!
18 :
Sure she did. And wtf does acculturating mean. You should attend that US Adult school with your wife.
19 :
You have obviously not visited Canada during the soccer world cup. Everyone in town cheers for their family's country and flies that country's flag when they are playing and cheer for Canada, with flags,when Canada is playing. People are from all around the world and it works well.
20 :
If they love their country, they should drive or fly to Mexico to celebrate their Independence day! (A litte sacrifice it means a lot.) For instance, I want to say "I love you to my husband." instead I tell the other man. lol
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