Do you think that the govenment should build a big wall between mexico and the US?
I heard that a group of people started building a wall already and that if the government doesn't help that they will keep building one. I personally have nothing against Mexicans but I think that they shouldn't come here illegally. It makes it harder for schools to try and teach students who don't speak english(but that can be fixed). It is also hard for hospitals to deal with people who don't have health care. Some people say that we should help mexico and then they wouldn't have to come over here. Well it's not America's job to go out and help every country. It's sad. If I could I'd try and help mexico by building better towns for them and safer areas.
Immigration - 42 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No they shouldnt. They'll find another way over anyway.
2 :
YES! The US ladder and shovel manufacturers need an economic boost!
3 :
that's the best idea i've heard all day...
4 :
It's our country, not theirs. They have no right to our country. They take our tax money through wellfare and the majority of them take over malls and make them ghetto with their perverted ways. I'd build a HUGE wall so they can't get over.
5 :
I kind of like the double fence idea.
6 :
You are very nice...but funding has already been approved for a small part of the wall and the Bush administration refuses to get started. Perhaps you should ask the Bush administration?
7 :
A wall isn't necessary. A fence is good enough if we only had the resolve to enforce existing laws and toughen up a few others. Putting employers who hire illegals in jail or punitive fines will make coming here pointless. .
8 :
No, they should build a big valley along the border, fill it with water, and stock it with hungry sharks...
9 :
Yes, but without a visa exit tracking system to catch all those who overstay, and enforcement, it still won't be enough to stop the problem. We need to clean house in the White House and Congress, to tell you the truth.
10 :
If the government just dealt with the companies hiring illegals and not giving them benifits then they would leave. Just deal with the problem. But yes a wall worked for the ussr. Remember Berlin.
11 :
walls and fences is for animals not for people do you really believe some walls and fences it would stop the illegal immigrants to cross our border? if you believe that get ready to have many surprise personally walls and fences to the border is just waste of money
12 :
we need to help ourselves before we even think about helping Mexico. and i think if you can't speak English then you should stay in your own country!!! I'm all for building the wall...
13 :
Yes build away and it will stop them especially if we do as Mexico does on its southern border.
14 :
absolutley yes
15 :
Yes,and anyone caught trying go over, under, or through it should be shot.
16 :
Yes I was in Cozumel Two years ago and the Mexicans really really need that wall to keep us "Falling down drunk" alcoholic Americans out of their country. I was never so embarrassed in my life as when we docked and the first thing all the Americans did was run to the bar and continue the drinking they had been doing on the ship. So go for ir Mexico Build that wall the Ancient culture of the Aztecs deserves so much better then some stupid ugly American vomiting on them
17 :
No, a wall should not be built between the US and Mexico. If we want to improve immigration relations between our two neighboring countries we should help the Mexican people instead of exploiting them with sweat shops and the like, causing them to try to escape the poverty in their own country. We, as Americans have to force our companies to either keep their factories in the US and pay Americans a fare wage or when they get to other countries to pay those countries' residents a fair wage! Corporations are hurting Americans who need jobs and Mexicans who also need jobs! The issue is much simpler than we are being led to believe. Mexicans and Americans have to unite and demand that companies pay all people a fair wage.
18 :
How about an electronic fence?
19 :
20 :
Pumpkin: No one is building a wall, yet. I do think it's a good idea but it's not going to happen. America makes too much money off of the cheap labor of illegal immigrants. Thanks for asking. Have a great day!
21 :
Yes they should build a wall, it should have been built 50 years ago. It's not our fault Mexico sucks. NO AMNESTY!
22 :
Good fences make good neighbors. I have nothing against Mexicans and I even have some respect for those who cross illegally. However, the skills that help them survive the desert are not the same as what is needed once they get here. I think it would be better for all involved if they came into the country legally because we'd know who they are and have control over who is allowed in. We could enforce standards such as not having a criminal record. It would be better for the workers. They would only be allowed into the country if they were guaranteed work. With the loss of cheap illegal labor, employers will have the option of hiring not quite so cheap but legally. They may even choose to relocate to Mexico wich would help the Mexican economy without probably hurting the US very much because much of the money was going to Mexico before anyway. It would be also better for the families who remain behind in Mexico because they wouldn't have to live with the constant possibility of having their loved one and source of income get deported. It would even be better for the Mexican government because it could know where its citizens are.
23 :
No I think that we should adopt all of Mexico and take the citizens under our wing and teach them to be as great as we are. There is a LOT of potential in Mexico.
24 :
They are already building a wall. But that is a stupid idea and should be stopped right now. That wall will bring nothing but trouble, it separates families, hurts relationships with Mexico, and is really pissing of some people.
25 :
Yes!!!A BIG Wall surrounded by a Big Moat stocked with piranhas.!! What else can we do? Who needs the crime they bring in? And neither government is doing one damn thing.
26 :
did u know that Mexico has more natural resources than the US? we don't need to help their people. their government needs to be cleaned out. it is very corrupt. no I'm NOT suggesting an invasion or anything radical or stupid like that. I'm just saying that we dont need to help them. they need to help themselves. there was a law signed and it would build a fence and the funding and all that was ready but for some reason the government has built very little of the promised wall....i support building the wall.
27 :
If Mexico would have no problem revamping their system to allow free flow immigration on both sides of the fence, I have no problem. If it's a one way issue, how is that a fair compromise?
28 :
I agree that more should be done to stop Mexicans from crossing the border illegally. I can't believe that we give them welfare checks, medicaid and schools loans and they can't even speak our language. Maybe a huge electric fence that would send a million volts into their Mexicans asses and cook'em like re-fryed beans is a good idea...just a thought.
29 :
some of you should read this: they do the jobs americans aren't doing themselves!!!!
30 :
Yes, the government should build a wall on the US/Mexico border. When illegal Mexicans come to the US they take jobs away from US citizens.(I have nothing against Mexicans.) I have a solution. China has a labor shortage. So, all of the illegal immigrants should be shipped to China. That would solve all our problems. China would no longer have a labor shortage, the US wouldn't have to deal with illegal immigrants and the immigrants would have jobs.
31 :
32 :
Only if they are going to put armed military personnel in watch towers to keep them from climbing over , they are pretty good at jumping fences.Its their new favorite hobby, its more popular than soccer now
33 :
I agree completely with norton2628. A wall isn't the answer. Besides didn't you know that there are also tunnels going from Mexico to the U.S. They use those also to come over illegally and to transport drugs. I heard that on a news program on TV a while ago, so if you think I'm lying then check out yours news before giving me a thumbs down. I have nothing against Mexicans. There is a large population of Mexicans, Cubans and other Latinos here in the apartment complex where I live and many of them are my friends. Good friends! I wouldn't trade them for the world. But I don't condone them coming over illegally either. It is sad that the Mexican government isn't trying to better the economics for their people. If they've actually started something I haven't heard anything about it.
34 :
believe it or not our Farm Bill is a big cause of Mexicans wanting to come here . the bill provides huge $$ to big U.S. agro corporations to over produce corn , soy etc. when this is dumped in world and Mexican markets the peasants can't afford to farm at home anymore . where they gonna go ? stopping the corporate welfare here , keeps them there .
35 :
36 :
Why should we help ANYONE?? We have done nothing but blow money on useless wars, corruption, oil and now uneducated fence jumpers. The KKK building the wall is futile at this point because the filth will only dig underneath it. Secure and close the borders, call the troops home, offer a bounty on anyone not documented that is turned in and worry about our own friggin country once and for all....
37 :
To all those who say that a wall would be stupid: if you believe that then maybe you should tell Mexico to stop patrolling their OWN southern border with the Mexican military. If Mexico wants to have any sort of credibility in this immigration debate then maybe they should start following their own advice.
38 :
Yes! Build the wall and spend a lot of money to get it done. When its realized that most problems of the USA are not caused by the illegal immigration. You'll have a big monument of the stupidity.
39 :
No,they shouldn't. And if they were to the Americans should build it with no help from the Mexicans. They want the wall they build it.
40 :
Yes, like the walls Russia built along their huge borders, to keep their people from escaping. It might slow down the flood of illegals to a manageable amount.
41 :
YES! And put armed guards every - (what's the range of an M-16)? In other words, guard our southern border like Mexico guards its southern border.
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